Hopefully I’m able to hit “publish post” before the power goes out this time…
Wilma is nearly upon us (as in, the worst is yet to come) and not long ago I was woken by the howling winds outside my bedroom window. It’s still pretty dark outside. I added another notch to my belt of experiences in the US, that of putting up hurricane shutters. I was able to convince my flatmate yesterday that this would be a good idea so we spent a few hours figuring out how the shutters got put up. That was a downright pain in the arse but we got the big windows on the bottom floor shuttered up as well as a top floor window that was pretty large.
This hurricane is also pretty interesting as it’s the first strong hurricane that has come through these parts since I’ve completely moved to the US. So, my feelings about hurricanes are a little different this time. I’m not as excited about them this time around because I’m living in my own place (well, I rent) and I have my own car which I worry about.
I did get the opportunity to have a hurricane party with a couple of friends Saturday night. We had lots of good food and drank a few hurricanes. It was a fantastic night and I even learnt how to dance a bit of salsa and meringue as the host of the party was also a latin dance teacher.
Wow, it’s getting really windy out there now. I can hear debris being blown about and when it was dark before you could see a massive flash of light as a transformer blew and the power cut out. The power always seems to come back on though.
This is the 6th time I’ve attempted to post this update due to power problems. I’m going to hit that “publish post” button quick smart as I think power around here ain’t going to be on for much longer.