They start ’em young in Oz

From this link
“The 10-year-old and his brother, 6, decided to take the family car for a 100km spin to visit their grandfather in Moree, in the NSW northwest, about 12.30pm on Sunday.”

This reminds me of my cousin Levi, who is quite adept at driving a car as well (click on pic for details)



I’m sitting here in my very grey cubicle at work looking at the final score between Australia and Japan, and it’s all good baby! I’ve got my green shirt on today and combining that with the face colour of my watch and maybe a few post-it notes, it’s green and gold all the way. Pity I couldn’t watch a live telecast as I had to be at my desk, so I ended up refreshing the main page of the Fifa website over and over again to get match updates.

Awesome stuff Australia, just bloody awesome.

On the other side

So I’ve come through what seems to be a rather weird ride. Whatever caused me to pretty much collapse and have difficulty breathing, resulting in a rush to the emergency room, has gone. I have not been able to link it to anything that I ate. I’m thinking that somehow my body was telling me to slow down a bit. Perhaps.

I’ve had a CAT scan, 24 hour heart monitor and blood tests done. I’m getting sick of all these blood tests. My arm skin is a slightly yellow colour around the region where all the needles have gone in. I feel like a pin cushion.

I think the weirdest experience I had was during my CAT scan. I was just laying there and all of a sudden I had one of the “episodes” as I now call it. A really weird feeling, like it triggered something to happen. That, and the iodine I had pumped into my body later for the contrast scan. The iodine first made my chest feel warm, then my bladder, and then I had a metallic taste in my mouth. Complete and utter weirdness.

It was also pretty weird having wires attached to my body for 24 hours. I had what looked like a massive walkman around my hip, which recorded the heart patterns to a tape. Yeah, no digital tech there. I was thinking how cool it would be to reverse the flow of signals and put a drum and bass tape in … I wonder how I’d handle 160bpm. hehe. Of course, I can’t work with tape technology anymore as I don’t have the equipment. Yeah, bugger.

Other than that I now have a massive cough, worse than I’ve ever had a cough before. This I think is unrelated. Emphasis on “think”. What I do know however is that I can pretty much do exactly what I did the day I had the episode and I’ll be fine. It took me two weeks to recover from the episode … I don’t want that happening again.

Whatever the case, the tests have been done and I visit my doctor this week. I’m pretty sure that if anything bad came up I’d know about it by now.

Down memory lane

Whilst I’ve been bed-ridden recently, I’ve summoned the energy up to entertain myself with a little surfing of the internets. This post is a whole lot about nostalgia, so see if you remember these little youtube gems that I’ve found.

Anyone got any more? Ones that I just can’t find are “AEIOU”, with those little characters drawn in the sand who fight some dragon or something. Another is “Robo Story”, where the white leader keeps calling everyone else “imbeciles”.