Yes, it’s April 29th over in Oz and my brother is the big two-zero today. He’s not a teenager anymore, and here’s hoping he starts acting his age!!! Just JOSHin bro! Have a good one.

Bring your kids to work day

That’s what day it is today at work. It’s a day that makes me feel especially old, even though I’m really not that old at all on the scale of things. The kids are coming into meetings, they’re playing with their parents’ PDAs and running around and having fun. And then I’m trying to get work done. No, I am by no means angry, but I just wish I was a kid again. I remember the days playing in the sand pit, creating a spaceship out of a fallen tree, playing kiss-chasey and constantly falling over for some reason, 1-2-3 saw ya, “socc-quash”, finding “bush tucker” on the Gum tree leaves, seeing my friend get his head stuck between two pieces of wood on a piece of play equipment . . . *sigh*

The gift

Because I’ve been a supporter of Flickr while it’s been in beta I have a free pro account to give away to someone (free for one year, anyway. After that it’s $25 US a month to maintain your pro status). To those who don’t know what Flickr is, it’s an online photo storage service that I use and now love. Much better than the crappy webshots I was using earlier (and which I still have to completely migrate away from). Send me an e-mail if you want one. I’m not going to give it away to anyone though. Here are the conditions:

a) You must actually know me.
b) You must use it well.

The advantages of a pro Flickr account compared to the free Flickr account?
a) 2 GB monthly upload limit (compare with 20 MB for free account)
b) Unlimited storage (limit of 200 photos for free account)
c) Unlimited photosets
d) Permanent archiving of high res photo images
e) Ad-free browsing and sharing (most of the time)

The popularity question

So I was driving to work this morning and I noticed that just about everyone I saw was talking on their mobile phone. All people seem to do over here is talk on their bloody phone. I looked at the total amount of time I’ve spent talking on my Razr and it’s 7.5 hours. That’s nothing. That’s like what some people spend talking on a mobile PER DAY over here. I think I’ve already posted about Lincoln Mall in South Beach and how all the model-type people have a phone welded to their ear.

I was thinking about this some more and I decided that I do not talk to people back in Oz nearly as much as I wanted to. I have now set up a cheap international calling thingy so I can, and I’m also looking into Skype a bit too. Expect a call from me sometime (that is, if you know me 🙂