Category: Uncategorized

Still alive

Believe it or not, I’m still alive. The last couple of weeks have been especially hectic, with me finishing up part of a music course and work being insane. Oh, and fit a supermassive road trip up through South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia in with all that on the past July 4 weekend. I’ve again been updating Flickr with pics from the trip so if you click on the badge to the right you’ll get to them. I have some weird arse stories to share from that trip…

But aside from all that, today’s surreal moment had to belong to the France vs Italy world cup final. I’m sitting there watching with a bunch of friends, Corona in hand, and then all of a sudden I see Zidane, who I always thought was cool, calm and collected, head-butt one of the Italian players. WTF?

Black Holes and Revelations

So, my favourite music group just has to be Muse. I think it used to be Coldplay or Hybrid, but that sort of changed when I rediscovered them during hurricane Wilma last year.

I’ve got a copy of their latest album, “Black Holes and Revelations”. My pre-order using iTunes doesn’t come through until next month . . . I couldn’t wait that long but when it is able to be downloaded I also get some bonues videos. Cool.

This album is cool. Way cool. More glam-rock than before, and one thing I can’t get over is how much they remind me of ELO in some songs. Take the chorus in “Super Massive Black Hole”, for example. I friggen love ELO and I just think that rocks.

Other initial favourites on the album include “City of Delusion” which has a flamenco-crossed-with-Arabic style, and “Knights of Cydonia”.

UPDATE: After some more listening, other favourites include the rest of the album.

Santos Renuentes v2.0

This past Wednesday I took photographs for my favourite Spanish-rock band “Santos Renuentes”. I’ve written about this group a lot before. They underwent a change recently where the drummer, lead guitarist and singer were replaced. Yeah, that’s a pretty major sort of change. It was only a practice warm-up friends-invited-only session, but what’s resulted from all the changes is a band with very different group dynamics and, in my opinion, a much better sound. It was just amazing to hear and *see* the difference in the band.



This is insane. Miami Heat. NBA champions.

People are going insane around here. Cars everywhere honking horns.

And just announced – Dwyane Wade – MVP.

Awesome, awesome, awesome.

Gotta go now, gotta go party.