Category: Uncategorized

Lou, the goldfish battler

UPDATED: Lou is actually looking normal now! He/she/it got rid of the buoyancy problem and is discovering the bottom of the fish tank.

I’ve posted about this fish before, but Lou’s resilience and battler attitude has impressed me. It’s a sign that even though something bad in your life may have happened (in this case, the swim bladder is all screwed up), then you can still keep charging along.

Or maybe the fish is just thinking “when the hell are they going to let me f#%ken die?”

CD release party photos and geeks

There are online here. I kind of stuffed up the gamma in Photoshop… things were a bit iffy there for a while. Also the pictures were taken from the same perspective the whole night. There were lots of people in the club and some stupidly placed VIP tables. It was the best spot I could get.

Hey has anyone seen “The IT crowd“, a British take on geekism? I’ve just watched 5 minutes of the second episode before posting this. It’s not that bad! It reaches out to the geek lust buried deep within my tricuspid valve.

The Muse, it is good.

I have just rediscovered a group that I first listened to 5 years ago. Ah, I remember fondly the days blasting out some ‘Muse’ in one of the project labs at my university, trying to figure out how to warp pictures into spherical coordinates so I could form a panorama. Those were the days *sigh*.

Fast forward to today and I have rediscovered them. Recently I played Muse’s first album and thought “damn those guys are good”. They have since released two more albums and both are effin fantastic. Definitely some good listening, definitely one of my favourite bands.

Santos Renuentes’ CD release party

Woohoo! This is one thing I’ve been looking forward to for a while: the CD release party for Santos Renuentes. Awesome. To those in Australia reading this, you have approximately 5 hours to get down to South Beach. Sorry for the late notice…