Category: Uncategorized

I forgot

Is it really that difficult?

To send my bankcard to the right address?

Thankyou BankSA for sending my bankcard to my address back in Australia. This is after I called your hotline for people currently *overseas* who had their cards lost/stolen. I then explicitly gave details on where I was living in Florida so you could send it to *that* address. How the heck did you stuff that up, after I even had you repeat the address details to me? And where the heck would my PIN have gotten to? Somewhere in Mozambique perhaps?

You really piss me off.

Lucky I like driving

Coz I drove nearly 800km today. The trip to St Petersburg was FANTASTIC. It’s amazing how each town has it’s own feel to it. The Salvador Dali museum of course was the highlight. I’ll definitely be making a trip back there when the new exhibits roll in. After checking out some art I went to St Pete Beach to get an awesome view of a sunset over the gulf of Mexico (whilst drinking a Corona, of course 🙂

I had to laugh at myself on the way back home. I was getting a really cramped foot from pressing the accelerator all the time. Then some other part of my brain came up and said “dude, you’ve got cruise control”. Shiiiiiiiit. Well, at least for the last 300km I could give my foot a rest.

I was supposed to go out to South Beach tonight. Of course, because I’m currently writing up my blog you can guess I didn’t make it. The person whose contact number I had, well his phone wasn’t working properly. So, he only just got back to me then. Given the fact that it’s going to take me well over an hour to get to South Beach it just ain’t worth it. Oh hold on, the guy said he was out with 4 girls. WTF am I doing??? Actually, the girls he was with said they couldn’t guarantee they be able to get anyone else in (very exclusive club apparently) so that made it not worth the effort (or so he said… is he keeping them all to himself?? Why that selfish…). If I’d met up with them earlier in the night things may have been different. If only I’d driven home faster. Stupid wanky clubs that I always want to go to. End story is that I still haven’t been to South Beach for a night out. That’s pretty crap.

ANYWAY enough bitching, here are some pics from today’s adventure.

Click me

What to do, what to do

Tomorrow I’ve planned a bit of an adventure for myself. I’m hoping to make it to St Petersburg because there is a Dali art gallery there. That should be pretty cool. I’ve been informed that on the way I’ll be going through real southern hick country, which should be even *more* cool. It’s supposed to be a 4 hour drive there so I plan to leave around 8 in the morning. I have to check if my new Multiaccess card has come in as well. It’s bloody inconvenient not being able to withdraw money out of my account you know, especially when I’ve just been paid.

Hopefully tomorrow night I’ll head to South Beach for a night out on the town with a few friends. I haven’t actually been there at night yet, so it’ll be interesting to see what places we’ll be able to get into. There were some really cool places on “Wild On” on channel E!, but of course they’re all the really difficult places to get into. And no, having an Australian accent doesn’t make it any easier to get past the bouncers.