Category: Uncategorized

More little chargers

These little chargers are everywhere, just like the other little chargers I previously posted about.

Cool stuff

I see that the new Motorola Razor V3 (or for more info look here) is coming out very very soon and god dammit, I’m getting one. I’ve been reading a few forums and lots of people are complaining that it’s too expensive and they’re not going to buy it and Motorola made a bad business decision in pricing it the way they have. Note to those people who are complaining: YOU DON’T HAVE TO BUY IT! If you can’t or don’t want to afford it then don’t get it! I think it’s quite obvious which market segment Motorola is targeting this phone at, and whatever certain people would like to say about would be purchasers of this phone brings a big care factor zero from me 🙂

Onto something which is nearly as cool, the Google Desktop search utility. I’m a big Google fanboy and I’ve been making use of this utility all day today. It’s super quick and super useful. I suggest you download it and open your computer up to the wonderful world of Google search. Note that this program is only in beta, but that means that it should only get better as they add more features.

Ok, back to work for me peeps. check-ya.

What an uninspiring day

It’s one of those days where sticking a needle in your eye would almost be more entertaining. I obviously didn’t get enough sleep last night so I’m in a super-fantastic sarcastic mood. I’ve actually discovered a few things about myself and others while I’ve been over here:

1) I really can’t relate to full-on nerds all that well. They really don’t like going out and partying, and they probably believe beer should only be consumed while participating in a LAN party. I only consider myself a *partial* nerd, and really, I only make nerdy comments “for a laugh”. Honest.

2) Some people should smile more often. I don’t mean smiling permanently, coz that probably shows some sign of dementia, but when you’re walking past someone in a corridor and you know them just try smiling for crying out loud. Unless of course you’ve walked past them 10 times already today, in which case it’s ok to make it look like you just got a phonecall or are checking your messages and you didn’t happen to see them walking past.

3) I really really hate walking around public places by myself. It’s ok if you’re by yourself and you want to go to the sea or a forest something and find your moment of zen (I guess that’s not really public anyway), or if you’re going to meet someone, but generally I find it uncomfortable. Unless I’m listening to music on my iPod of course.

4) I can’t really go out to the tourist spots by myself anymore. I nearly feel like I’m a local now and the tourist feeling I had at the start where I could go anywhere by myself has worn off (as per point 3). For some reason I’m no longer aware that I have an Australian accent so I’m sort of surprised when people say “ooh, where are you from?”

Hmmm, well, I gotta go and do some work now. Freaking Avis are bothering me again regarding my Floridian license. I wish they’d just leave me the hell alone! There’s nothing else I can do at the moment…

The seesaw

It really has been a seesaw while I’ve been over here. I’ve had some extremely high highs but some really low lows. If you’ve been reading this blog you’ll know what some of them are. Whenever something good seems to happen something bad will happen just to even things out. I actually found some people who liked going out – much unlike a lot of the other people I’ve met here. I was so glad to meet some other people my age who were like this. A lot of other people at work are either married or in a steady relationship or just plain uninterested in going out. So Friday night was a really good night because I went out with some of the party people from work. Today I was planning on going to Key Biscayne for a swim and to get some pics because I really liked it last time I was there. There is a spot where I could get a really good shot of Miami at night. Anyway, I left at lunchtime today and I had to go fill up with fuel. I got to the bowser and couldn’t find my credit card. It wasn’t in my wallet anywhere. Ok, maybe it’s somewhere in my car. Nope, not there either. I found this really curious because I don’t carry my credit card around without it being in my wallet. I spent the whole afternoon looking for it and I can’t find it anywhere. This is really bloody weird and also highly inconvenient. So, the seesaw strikes again – good Friday night but that’s been overshadowed by losing this card. Bloody hell…

So I strummed my guitar a bit to get myself out of the mood I was in and I broke two strings. Well, I have a few books to read now so maybe I should go do that 🙂